I liked Utugi Tae's work at the Library show. I'm still learning a lot on how to alter photographs with photo-shop. I liked her's a lot because it was more of what I was expecting to see at the VAC. It was kinda funny, because while I was in the Library, I ran into my friend Hyun Kim and he was able to help translate even though he is Korean. Utugi's work first grabbed my attention because of how she makes the bold colors come out from the white background. I was very interested on what her meaning was for her work so, I had Hyun ask her. She said that she was very inspired by a newer fashion back home. She told me the name of the fashion but, I didn't write it down. Utugi also said that in the fashion the models paint their faces white so that is why she has her face painted white in all of the pictures. She also said that the "Outcast and Straw Man" was significant for how she felt in High School. She said that she was popular in high school and then one day, people started picking on her. In the "Outcast and Straw-man," she turns it around and the straw man signifies a person who previously picked on her. So she is basically getting him/her back. It reminded me a witchdoctor cursing someone with a voodoo doll. We didn't want to take too much of her time up so I can only speculate what the meaning is of the other two pieces.

Outcast and Straw-man

Adam Council, Hyun Kim, Utugi Tae