Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dave Matthews Band

I'm going to see Dave on August 31!!!!!! So, I thought I'd add him to my blog. I've wanted to see him live for sooooo long! Funny story, so my best friend's parents bought me a ticket to go see them in Chicago back in the day. I was not able to go, So I have been bummed out until now. Its gonna be awesome. I've actually had like 3 chances to see him and haven't been able to go. Its pretty cool because my fiance and I pretty much fell in love to his music. Thanks Dave! August 31, 2010 at the Taco Bell Arena. Can't Wait!

Janine Antoni

Loving Care


So, back when we were learning about conceptual art, we came across an artist who painted with her hair. Unfortunately, I was not able to look her up again until now. I thought it was pretty amazing and thought maybe if I became a sweet architect someday, I would hire her to paint every wall in a house with her hair. I loved how unique her idea was with the way she swirled around with her hair that was dipped in paint.

Maurizio Cattelan

I really like Maurizio's attitude. I think all of his work is based off of it. I tried to find a reason why he did some of his work, like specific reasons. But, I couldn't find any. His work grabbed me right away though. the meteor hitting the pope that he displayed at an "Apocalypse" gallery in 1999 was just awesome. I immediately thought of the molestation controversy from back then with all those priests. I don't know if thats what he was going for though. Also the Hitler praying thing is pretty funny. Here's some pics:

Maurizio Cattelan
'la nona ora’, 1999
'Him' 2001


So there was something on T.V. today that was talking about when 2PAC and Notorious B.I.G. died and how they were gangster rapping rivals and all of a sudden, I started thinking that it was probably like that for Michaelangelo and Raphael. I remembered that Raphael painted Michaelangelo sulking on the stairs in the middle. Raphael portrayed himself as more of a social person. Madonna in the meadow is pretty cool portrayal of Mary too. I think he portrays her a lot different than most did back then.

School of Athens

Madonna in the Meadow

Marriage of the Virgin

Tegan and Sara

Tegan and Sara are a Canadian Band made of two Twin sisters. They have pretty awesome lyrics and music. They're also very funny in concert. They interact quite a bit with their fans. I want to go see them!

Tegan and Sara - Call It Off

Mike Sol | MySpace Video

Francisco Goya

I've always loved Goya! Saturn Devouring his Son has always been my favorite by him. I think its because it is so creepy and weird to most people. Every time a teacher has show this in a class, everyone is weirded out. I like being weirded out sometimes. And Goya does this to me with that one. The Sleep of Reason has always given me a lot of thoughts as to what it was about. I like it though. Goya is amazing pretty much.

Saturn Devouring One of his Children

Los Caprichos, El Sueño de la Razon Produce Monstruos (The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters)

The 3rd Day of May, 1808

Roberto Baciocchi

Roberto Baciocchi is an Italian Architect who is most notably known for designing Prada stores. While being gone last week, I was able to see the Prada store in Las Vegas Nevada. It was pretty cool inside and out. He is normally known for making the stores look out of the ordinary. This was pretty hard to do in Las Vegas but I think he accomplished it. Here are some pics:

Smokers- By Eli Craven (Extra Credit)

I've walked pass the Good Damn Projects art exhibition a few times and ignored it but, one day, I was leaving class early and decided to take a gander. Its definitely a cool idea to have an art showing in a locker rental. Also, I thought that the art that was being displayed was very interesting. It shows a bunch of different people smoking throughout the years. They are mostly advertisings of people smoking cigarettes. The pictures are set up symmetrically and lit up from the top of the locker. It definitely brings questions to anyone walking past this opened locker in the PAW Building.

Smokers- Eli Craven

Good Damn Projects: Art Exhibition

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Patrick Kane

The art of hockey...

I know hockey is not considered a form of art, but in my opinion, there is something artistic about it. I chose Patrick Kane to represent the art of hockey for this journal entry. He is so good with moving the puck, it seems like his hockey stick is his paint brush and the ice is his canvass.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Oscar Ramirez

Oscar is one of the best painters I have met. He has a very unique use of color and thinks of some crazy stuff. He is mostly inspired by Salvador Dali and other great artists of our past. He is also inspired by nature. He is a student at Boise State University. His unique style is very inspiring. Here is his page:



Untitled (pencil)

A Subtle Reverie

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Utugi Tae (Extra Credit)

I liked Utugi Tae's work at the Library show. I'm still learning a lot on how to alter photographs with photo-shop. I liked her's a lot because it was more of what I was expecting to see at the VAC. It was kinda funny, because while I was in the Library, I ran into my friend Hyun Kim and he was able to help translate even though he is Korean. Utugi's work first grabbed my attention because of how she makes the bold colors come out from the white background. I was very interested on what her meaning was for her work so, I had Hyun ask her. She said that she was very inspired by a newer fashion back home. She told me the name of the fashion but, I didn't write it down. Utugi also said that in the fashion the models paint their faces white so that is why she has her face painted white in all of the pictures. She also said that the "Outcast and Straw Man" was significant for how she felt in High School. She said that she was popular in high school and then one day, people started picking on her. In the "Outcast and Straw-man," she turns it around and the straw man signifies a person who previously picked on her. So she is basically getting him/her back. It reminded me a witchdoctor cursing someone with a voodoo doll. We didn't want to take too much of her time up so I can only speculate what the meaning is of the other two pieces.

Outcast and Straw-man

Adam Council, Hyun Kim, Utugi Tae

A.F.I. A Fire Inside

I'm listening to the new cd from AFI. Its pretty good. I think its way different from their old stuff. plus they the main singer looks way different. Good stuff though.