Thursday, May 6, 2010

Japanese Graphic Design (Extra Credit)

This Extra Credit was assigned long ago.... However, I'm gonna talk a little about it anyways. I was a graphic design event at the VAC. Which was pretty cool because I got to drink some New Castle and check some art out. I'll be honest, I did not get what I expected out of it. I went in expecting some pictures that were altered and maybe some ridiculously altered videos like the stuff in the move the Grudge. I dunno why, but that is what I expected. When I got there, there was only one person's work that somwhat resembled that. There was a girl on the right who had pictures of herself blown up enormously that were altered with color. I thought they were great examples of rendering in photoshop. The coolest project that I saw was an interactive video with bouncy balls made by one of the girls there. It was pretty cool. Her video drew everyone in to participate and through bouncy balls at the wall of the room while a video showed her and a few other people throwing bouncy balls to. It was my favorite part of the night. Those were the 2 projects though that stuck out in my mind.

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